AeroGear Xamarin SDK
AeroGear.Mobile.Core Namespace Reference


namespace  Configuration
namespace  Exception
namespace  Http
namespace  Logging
namespace  Metrics
namespace  Platform
namespace  Storage
namespace  Utils


class  IOSPlatformInjector
 Class handles injection of iOS specific classes and access to resoureces.
interface  IPlatformInjector
 Interface for factory methods creating objects with platform-specific implementations. More...
interface  IServiceModule
 Base interface of all service modules More...
class  MobileCore
 MobileCore is the entry point into AeroGear mobile services. More...
class  MobileCoreAndroid
 Entry class to initialize the MobileCore for Android More...
class  MobileCoreIOS
 Entry class to initialize the MobileCore on iOS More...
class  Options
 Specify the options for the Core module More...
class  ServiceInstanceCache