Data Sync SDK for Native Android and iOS
The Data Sync feature for the Android and iOS SDKs is satisfied by community supported Apollo GraphQL clients. Clients provide range of features
Query Pulling capabilities
Real time data synchronization using subscriptions
Offline storage using cache
Initializing offline data
What is not supported out of the box is an data edits (mutations). Developers can detect network errors in their apps and let user manualy reattempt by sending them later.
Both IOS and Android provide offline database that is read only.when offline and can be synced by subscriptions. Frameworks do not offer data difference information but developers can get that by utilizing debezium - or any event queue that will persist history of changes.
General information for GraphQL can be found here:
Communicating with the GraphQL server starts with creating and configuring the Apollo client. This is accomplished by using the Apollo client for Android and iOS.
Performing queries against the custom GraphQL schema requires the use of an Android Apollo client object. Information on how to use the Apollo client is at
Example app:
Performing queries against the custom GraphQL schema requires the use of an Apollo client object. Information on how to use the Apollo client is at
Mutating data (CRUD operations) against the custom GraphQL schema.
Inserting, modifying, and deleting data (mutations) against the custom GraphQL schema requires the use of an android Apollo client object. Information on how to use the Apollo client to query data is at
Inserting, modifying, and deleting data (mutations) against the custom GraphQL schema requires the use of an Android Apollo client object. Information on how to use the Apollo client for mutations is at
File Upload
The Apollo client can also be used to upload file from a mobile Android and iOS device.
Uploding files from a mobile client against the custom GraphQL schema requires the use of an Android Apollo client object. Information on how to use the Apollo client to upload files is at
Uploding files from a mobile client against the custom GraphQL schema requires the use of an iOS Apollo client object. Information on how to use the Apollo client to upload is at
Realtime Updates
The Apollo GraphQL clients support realtime updates, however, these features are not widely documented in the official documentation
Apollo GraphQL supports subscriptions to realtime updates. Information on how to use the Apollo client for subscriptions is
Apollo GraphQL supports subscriptions to realtime updates. Information on how to use the Apollo client to subscribe for data is at
Additional Information
Client SDK information:
Information on the Apollo GraphQL client for android can be found here: appollo client for android.
Red Hat Product extensions for GraphQL